The Voice of Wisdom

For A Sustainable Future.

The TV Show with a wholesome perspective to life on earth.

Sustainability is about more than solar power, electric vehicles or CO2.

It’s about relationships, patterns, connections and the invisible hand.

The Smart Sustainability Show brings environment, nature, economics, social and spiritual perspectives together. Explore insights, knowledge, listening and looking beyond.

Honoring Earth.

It’s all connected.

The US is pulling out of the WHO. Rightfully so? Does that open up opportunities to better health approaches and collaborations without agendas?

Most Popular episodes

From Innovative Solutions for Climate Change to Sustainable Urban Development to Smart City initiatives, Green Architecture, Zero Waste Lifestyle, The Circular Economy, Renewable Energy Breakthroughs, Sustainable Agriculture Practices or The Impact of Fashion on the Environment, Water Conservation Strategies, Biodiversity and Conservation Efforts to Economic and Financial aspects, Social issues and Human Psychology + the unfolding world of AI … .
These episodes resonate deeply with audiences worldwide, combining expert insights with generative dialogue and actionable strategies, and sometimes … a bit of a healthy fight. Making them a consistent favorite among viewers from across the spectrum committed to sustainability.

The big questions: who regulates, controls and benefits from crypto? Central bank controlled or free market and how valuable is it for the people in everyday life?

Sustainable real estate - utopia, gimmick or doable? What does it entail beyond developing?

Today, we need to eat 8 oranges to get the same nutrients our grandparents got by eating just one. Soil depletion: cause for flooding and more. Nature-driven solutions?

Plants and humans are a match made in heaven. Hear about the 6 herbal must-haves to boost your health.

Health & Make America healthy again: Who’s in charge of your health?

Nature News Earth & Sustainability Stories


Nature News Earth & Sustainability Stories 〰️


The Master Builder: Beaver


The Chips Revolution


New Discovery: Hidden LIFE Under Arctic Ice? Why the Intelligence of Creation never creates anything in vain

Ancient Alpine Ecosystem Unearthed in Montana Dating Back Nearly 6,000 Years

Should the US leave the WHO? Here’s a reminder of the intended WHO power grab

and the issues that come with it.

Should any sovereign country be part of the WHO?

Or is there a better way for global cooperation on health?

Latest Episodes

Nature uses five ingredients and turns them into billions of outcomes. There’s a lot to learn from nature, natural principles, processes and laws.

Healthy people and a healthy environment are directly connected. They impact each other. Patch Adams’ vision on leveraging healthy environments to heal patients showcase cause and effect. An idea whose time has finally come?

Nature inspires dreams.

Our inborn connection with nature is our home. Our roots. An intuitive belonging. Many technological advancements of today have already existed in a blueprint form in Nature.

contentious episodes

When you have guests with different views in today’s polarized society, things can heat up…

Climate change and climate disaster are different. So are the views of scientists. Some agree with the Paris’ climate accord, others do not. Different schools of thought.

“Energy” gets juices flowing. A fascinating field of views and differences on what works — and doesn’t.

In biology, there are only two sexes. The confusion of sex, gender and sociology vs biology.

Indigenous people have a different relationship with Nature. This wisdom is missing in today’s dialogues. But essential for a sustainable future. There’s so much more to learn and integrate.


Biomimicry, patterns, cybernetics

And the invisible hand.

Fascination Nature.

Show Insights


Show Insights 〰️

  • The climate is changing and we have to be better prepared. Embrace thinking differently about climate and weather changes. Being prepared is the best plan. We show how.

  • The big elephant in the room when when pennies count

  • Eco-Societies are growing like mushrooms around the world. At a time where governments are falling, politics is failing - people self-organize on their own terms. An example of Kenya.

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