• Written by life:

  • the human brain needs meaning.

  • Stories connect. If we listen. The life force is the biggest story of all.

  • Stories show cause and effect. Real dialogue can birth something new.

OUr Host followed an inner calling.

And started learning the craft. In a training session, two producers entered the studio and invited her to train with them. Crewing as technical director, audio, editing, guest manager while holding a demanding executive leadership day job … — when another host one day couldn’t do a show, she jumped at the chance. We changed the format and the focus, renamed the show … and out came: Smart Sustainability. With a crew as eclectic and diverse as the topics we cover. United by passion for tv and production.

What unites our audience is the Love for Earth.

Diverse Crew

Diverse Crew

Eclectic minds

Eclectic minds

tons of fun

tons of fun