How Gold Reaches The Earth
The mystery of how gold migrates from Earth's mantle to the surface has intrigued researchers for years.
Most of Earth’s gold is locked up in the mantle. The mantle is the thick, middle layer of the planet located between the crust and the outer core. Pure gold in the mantle tends to stay there. So, while the gold is there, it is inaccessible.
Recent advances in mathematical modeling have shed light on the specific geological conditions that facilitate the enrichment of gold-bearing magma, providing a glimpse into this enigmatic process.
Understanding these conditions could revolutionize mining exploration by enabling companies to target areas more likely to yield gold, thereby reducing exploration expenses.
The exploration of gold constitutes a substantial portion— between 10 and 20%—of mining costs. So, Startups and junior miners have to invest heavily in these efforts compared to their larger counterparts. By refining exploration methods, the industry could see a reduction in the average cost of mining gold, which as early as 2024 was just under $1,500 per ounce. A cost cutting of exploration cost could ultimately improve profitability and sustainability in gold mining operations.
How does the gold move to the surface where it can be mined?
A certain type of sulfur, found at depths of 50 to 80 kilometers (30 to 50 miles) under active volcanoes, helps transfer gold from the Earth's mantle into magma that then rises to the surface.
Gold in the mantle can react with sulfur in a fluid, forming a gold-trisulfur complex. Geological events like volcanoes can push this complex mobile in molten mantle areas to the surface. This happens especially in “subduction zones,” where one tectonic plate goes beneath another.
To date, the World Gold Council estimates that about 212,582 tonnes of gold have been mined in total. If this gold were melted into a cube, it would measure around 22 meters on each side.
The US Geological Survey estimates that there are about 50,000 tonnes of gold left to mine in the ground. As of today. While gold is plentiful in the earth, it is extremely rare at ground level. Which is why gold is so valuable.
But gold has a much deeper meaning and function. And here is where it gets really interesting.
The Alchemist View
Gold is manifested spirit.
Gold: Transformation and Energy
Monatomic Gold, in the realm of spirituality, is often seen as a metaphor for the highest state of consciousness and energy. A powerful essence—an alchemical substance — that represents both material and spiritual wealth.
In various spiritual traditions, gold is symbolic, representing purity, enlightenment, and the divine. When paired with the term "atomic," it implies a deeper, more profound shift in one's spiritual evolution.
This concept emphasizes transformation, and this is what gold — the outcome of a transformation really is about. During the process of alchemy base metals are transmuted into noble gold. the same happens to out Soul. Through personal development, we journey from “lead” — the coarser form of a human being to gold — the pure divine essence that we are all born with. Gold mining as a process also applies to mining the gold — your pure essence — your center of power, the magic in literal terms, Divinity with four divine virtues: omnipotence, omniscience, eternal life and consciousness.
The journey towards one's atomic gold is a journey through many lifetimes and involves the breakdown of old beliefs and limitations, paving the way to the authentic Self, where the Soul is truly liberated. It’s analogous of the pure freedom to individuation.
Transmuting lead into gold is a spiritual process that splits the coarser parts of the human being off and brings forth the refined part of the Soul. A process that eventually leads to eternal life. The philosopher’s stone. Which was really the process alchemists were focused on.
It speaks to the idea that everyone possesses the innate potential waiting to be unleashed, much like the latent energy within atoms that can power a great force.
In practical terms, the atomic gold spiritual journey is nothing less than the only work that heralds real benefits: the Great Work.
A journey of various alchemical stages processes help individuals liberate their core essence, revealing the "gold" — the real Self — that lies within.
The concept intertwines with modern physics and quantum theory, where the understanding of energy fields and vibrations further enhances its significance. Spiritual practitioners may explore how their vibrational frequency can influence their reality. This is known as the law of attraction which expresses the natural law that like attracts like. Just as atoms interact at a fundamental level, so do individuals within the web of existence, shaping their experiences through their energetic contributions.
By tapping into this potential, individuals can transform their lives, elevate their consciousness, and contribute positively to the collective human experience. As we stand on the cusp of a new year, reflecting on our own atomic gold can inspire personal and collective intentions for growth, healing, and evolution towards the next step of humanity’s destiny encompassing spiritual vision.
From an alchemist perspective, gold in physical form is the seal of Truth, based on the nature of Nature itself.
Let me explain.
Nature’s end and origin are God. Its unity is found only in God and through God, because God made all things. Nothing is as simple and vital as natural generation.
Simplicity is the seal of Truth
Nature is one true, self-contained created by God and informed with a universal spirit.
Nature is the one source of all things: Nothing in the world is found outside of Nature, or, contrary to it. At least, nothing that has lasting value and impact. The actual nature of Nature is not visible to the plain physical eye, though we think what we see in Nature is what is.
Nature is in her essence very simply structured:
She is divided in four places from which all things are brought forth.
There are only four (!) qualities or ingredients to Nature which are also in all things and which bring out billions and billions of different outcomes!
These four qualities do not agree among themselves. So, it is your work to bring those four disagreeing qualities, the four main elemental principles which are opposites of each other into balance. This is the main work of all spiritual endeavors in route to enlightenment, harmony and eternal life. All life is based on balance. Balance … takes work. The Great Work.
Nature produces and generates through seeds. Only seeds produce something new. It is the principles of procreation. Which is BTW why GMO seeds cannot last as they are not in line with the principle of creation. They are missing the essence of life. Which is why they don’t have the same nutritional values and not remotely as healthy impacts on our whole — Body, Mind & Soul.
It is noticeable that Nature works through the seed — whether good or bad, there’s no judgement. The seed is the elixir so to speak of anything. The quint essence. In alchemical terms, this is the beam of Sulfur.
The center of Earth is a void where like in a female womb nothing ever rests. Like the female womb, which shows us how impregnation happens — Earth takes only what’s needed and drives the rest out in shapes of stones and other things.
Spiritually speaking, the seed of metals is the same as the sperm of all other things, with a vaporous moisture. You cannot turn a sperm back to its original condition. As all Life produces itself in a forward motion. The same applies to gold. Gold (and silver) can’t be turned back to their original substance.
The alchemists explain that vapor sublimed by heat passes through either cold or warm places. Today we know that volcanoes for example play a key role in bringing gold to the surface.
If the vapor is warm and pure and contains a certain “fatness” of Sulphur, this vapor joins itself and sublimes it together with itself. If further sublimation of this vapor occurs and is rendered moist by previous ascending vapors — it fills the pores of the earth and with it becomes gold.
If you were following along until here, you may realize that the description is the same process as contained in sex transmutation.
Alchemists say. that because of this process, metals are found today where none would have been found 1000 years ago.
So when looking at Gold, not only is it God’s very currency and should be the legal tender for everything - it shows us the very process for transmuting lower metals and the base coarseness of human nature into a higher, finer and true Being.
Gold has even more qualities to it:
Gold is the metal of the Sun
It is connected to the Sun, thus called the metal of the Sun, radiating warmth, illumination and prosperity. Its nature is indestructable and because of that, it played a big role in many civilizations, from the ancient Egyptians who though gold has magic powers to Christianity where gold became a symbol of Christ’s reign on Earth. Gold is associated with Wisdom and Love.
Gold is chemically inert. That is to say, gold is unreactive and stable under different conditions and circumstances just like the true and human being who has refined and liberated the Soul.
Gold calms the nervous system and has been used as biomedicine for thousands of years. From anti-inflammatory properties to helping the absorption of vitamins in the body. Gold compounds are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
Monoatomic gold is a super conductor of bio electric photon energy. It cannot be corrupted.
When the world abolished the gold standard, they began to abolish the spiritual presence on Earth. Adding to that GMO seeds, geoengineering that even considers blocking the Sun — which is what all living organisms on Earth need and what makes Earth go round etc as well as our godlessness in the times we live in shows that letting go of gold also meant turning away from its spiritual properties and Truth it represents. However: Truth will always stand and survive while illusions collapse. Something we’re witnessing in these very years.
Going into 2025, I’d like to invite you to look at gold differently. And start connecting the dots.
Happy New Year!