Nature: technological Supersystem with The Seal of Truth
Nature is a technological sypersystem with an efficiency that is not even closely rivaled by any man-made system. From organizational forms to logistics to adaptability to management - the Intelligence of Creation’s biological systems are by far superior to even the most thought-through systems and innovations human minds came up with.
At this time, humanity seems finally catch on to the fact that Nature provides the blueprint to almost every answer we’re seeking. Thus, mimicking Nature is a growing field of interest across industries. From construction to building materials, from architecture to design. And that’s good.
Nature uses only four ingredients to produce billions of outcomes. This simplicity is its seal of Truth. One that should give us billions of reasons to find inspiration and learn from Nature. As Nature couples effects, energy cascades and energy chains, symbioses and self-regulating processes most cleverly.
An interplay of forces, the Intelligence of Creation yields maximum beneficial effects
In an interplay of forces, the Intelligence of Creation yields maximum beneficial effects in everything it brings forth. Nature shows us how this interplay can be done. From something as fascinating as a swarm of fish to feather starfish or expressed through more elegant versions like thredfins for examples.
Nature uses an unbelievable diversity of talents of living systems to generate the most innovative, intricate outcomes. Hidden construction plans of desert fauna could for example help us with innovating technical applications in extreme conditions. The Deep Seas — with creatures as magical and foreign as if they came from another world — could inspire us with an almost untouched potential for insights on practical applications for design blueprints. From system interactions to organizational management to waste management; from deceptive appearances to mysterious powers and puzzling phenonimas of how animals can change, float through and adapt to environments Nature gives us billions of clues. — All leading back to few ingredients in most clever combinations and outputs.
Mimicking Nature in technical outputs and innovations might turn out as survival mechanism for humans for decades to come.
At the beginning of the 20th Century, Raoul France, a biologist from Vienna, Austria made a claim that “plants move as freely and graciously as the most agile of people do”. A truth hard to imagine in today’s super fast-paced world. Driven by a need for speed required by markets, fast-moving technology and a very narrow focus on quarterly results — the fact that plants grow in a MUCH slower rhythm, is something modern societies have lost sight of. If we were astute observers, we would notice that all of Earth grows in a slower rhythm than human activity and markets expect; giving us clues on how and where our human-made systems are out of synch with the rhythm of Nature and Earth. And therefore, clues on how our current systems have become (mostly) unsustainable.
To underline my point: try and fill a bottle with water in a river. You’ll find that filling the bottle works much better in calmer, slower water than filling it in rapids. So, no question that there’s an adjustment needed to adapt human activities closer to the rhythm of Nature. Observing growth patterns like plants can help with that adjustment towards better synchronizing our rhythms of activity. By observing how Nature grows, we can develop a different feel for healthy growth. Learn about natural rhythms and the interconnection of all living systems during that process. And recognize its seal of Truth.
See, the Intelligence of Creation gifts us with countless blueprints to put in use that are far superior than what we are using right now. For example: noone has ever burned their hands on a glowworm, but touching a lightbulb when switched on, burns you instantly.
Far more superior design principles: During evolutional processes, Nature achieved what the human mind to date hasn’t
Nature delivers far superior design principles in anything that exists. During evolutional processes of millions of years, Nature achieved what the human mind to date hasn’t:
an ability to link micromechanical, optical and electronic components with maximum integration between them. And Nature does all of that by only a handful of all natural ingredients. A few proteins turn living systems into high tech units. Literally. We can see these incredible high tech systems in the sperm whale or in jelly fish. Just to give you an example.
So, even if you don’t believe in a single Creator - those far superior design principles all point towards the Intelligence of Creation as THE natural and go-to source to orient ourselves towards for real innovation, healthy growth patterns, better architecture and design. When those principles are applied, it could reward us greatly with natural harmony, beauty, health and wellbeing from every angle.
It is time to ditch the notion that Nature is a second-rate player in the unfolding of the world. Instead, let’s give it the honor She deserves. There is so much to learn and explore about Earth’s designs and blueprints. Once we leave the arrogance behind that treats Nature as a “lower” resource to be exploited, and even worse, think we must “improve” Her by chemical and cheap technological substitutes — the most arrogant and ignorant approach of all — we could start a new chapter for life on Earth, together with Earth.
A very different approach to abundance, real sustainability and value creation indeed.
By focusing on Nature in a healthy way, with deference and love, mimicking its designs could enhance our human feeling of belonging and make us feel at home at the home we deserve. Blanketed by an understanding, acceptance and appreciation that we are part of Nature and that Nature lives in us.
For more inspirations of Nature’s designs, free patents and blueprints that can help humanity significantly in design, technology, building and much more, check here.
Nicolette DeVidar is host of the Smart Sustainability Show - the show with a wholesome perspective to life on Earth. TV host, writer and spiritual change catalyst, who walked the walk, her focus is on transcending polarity to co-create a sustainable future. Applying a wider lens to the world around us in a different way of seeing. More about her work and her Natural Edge - Blog for curious people.