Sustainability news of the Wisdom of Nature
A curated news feed for interested minds about Earth, Nature, Discoveries, Inspiration, Ecosystems & Impact
Master Architect: The Beaver
A master architect: the Beaver. King of engineering and building dams. Bringing down trees and building sustainable housing for its family. The beaver — much to learn from as ranchers and municipalities alike start seeing increasingly how beaver is useful to capture more water.
Can Otters Help with invasive Green Crabs?
Otters may help deal with invasive green crab species. A dynamic relationship that shows that natural ecosystems when not destroyed or artificially “managed” by humans work perfectly on their own.
Nature: technological Supersystem with The Seal of Truth
Nature: technological super-system with an efficiency not even closely rivaled by any man-made system. From organizational forms to logistics to adaptability to management - the Intelligence of Creation’s biological systems are far superior to the most thought-through systems and innovations human minds came up with.
how Grasshoppers inspire buildings
Nature has all the technical answers we seek. Inspirations for technologies that make our lives easier already exist in perfected form in Nature. we just have to look. the grasshopper for example can show us how to construct more temperature-adaptive buildings. See how.
New ecosystem found trapped under arctic ice
Scientists discover new ecosystem under arctic ice 2000 miles south of New Zealand. A discovery giving new insights into the adaptability of life forms and resilience. The lake's ice cover is deeper than the lake itself: Although its liquid water is about 39 feet deep, 44 feet of ice sits on top, maintained by the region's sub-freezing temperatures. Contrary to what scientists thought, this icy pool isn't a wasteland. But home to a complex microbial ecosystem that hides within Lake Enigma's liquid depths. Showing once again that the intelligence of Creation creates nothing without a purpose.